A selection of Relays for use with a range of Security & Safety Systems.
A selection of Relays for use with a range of Security & Safety Systems.
A selection of useful Relays & Relay Kits which can be used with a variety of Security & Safety Systems, including small single & double pole output relays, timer relays & four & five way relays.
Most of the Relays can be powered by 12v - 24v DC, and have a max rating of 240v AC (8 amps) on the output terminals (please check specifications).
We can make Relay Kits up for easy installation, the two most popular kits are:
If you need advice, please ask !!
Compact Timer Relay with adjustable Input: 0 - 20 seconds.
A really versatile 10 Function Timer Relay which has two built in Timers & a LED Display.
A usefull Latching (latch) Relay Kit, used in all types of Security & Safety Systems.
0 - 60 Second or Minute Timer Relay Kit, for use in all types of Security & Safety Systems.
5 x Single Pole Mini Relay (trade pack).