Electric Door Locks, Chains, Door & Gate Locks, Anchors & Cycle Racks

A selection of Electric Door Locks, Gate Locks, H/D Chains & Locks & Ground Anchors to help your Security.

A selection of Electric Door Locks, Gate Locks, H/D Chains & Locks & Ground Anchors to help your Security.


Electric Door Locks:

A range of Electric Door Latches & Door Locks to help you Automate your Door, ideal for small business premises of homes that require some sort of automation.

Traditional Chains & Locks:

A selection of Traditional Security Chains to help secure your valuable property, the key features of all of the models are:

  • Case Hardened (Hacksaw & Bolt Cropper Resistant).
  • Flexible Protective Sleeving (prevents marking your property).
  • H/D Chain Link.
  • Weather & Corrosion Resistant. 


They vary in chain diameter & length.

Ground or Wall Anchors: 

These Security Anchors can be installed onto the ground or wall, normally dictated by the strength of the structure you are fixing it to, they would be used in conjunction with a good quality chain or the modern alarm lock (which have built in sirens) and are ideal for helping to protect & secure:

  • Motorcycles.
  • Quad Bikes.
  • Push Bikes.
  • Lawn Mowers.
  • Large Tools. 

Ground or Wall Mounted:

The benefits of ground fixing is that you can normally make a far stronger & more secure installation and they are easier to use with large objects such as motorcycles & quad bikes, the main downside to ground fixing are they can create a trip hazard. 

Bolt Down or Spigot Based:

We have two types of Security Anchors designed for different types of installation, the most commonly used type is the standard bolt down which are secured to the ground (or wall) by the appropriate secure fixings, making sure they are strong & secure in comparison to the type of surface they are being attached too.

We also have spigot based design (part number 001-0380) which results in by far the strongest & most secure installation, these have a steel spigot which is designed to be sunken into the ground using cement, these are especially useful when working with loose ground such as tarmac, gravel, poor quality concrete, block paving.


Bike Racks:

With more & more staff using Push Bikes to get into their work now, together with the large increase in social riding providing Easy & Secure storage is becoming more important.

If you are a  business or school then you will want to provide somewhere for the staff or pupils to place the bikes, if you are a rural pub you may want to encourage social riders to drop by for refreshments. Then there is the issue of Securing the Bike down inside your Garage or Shed.

Ultra Secure Direct offer a range of Wall or ground Mounted Bike Racks at low costs ready for Mail Order delivery.

We can also offer various Chains or modern Alarm Locks to be used with these Bike Racks.

Zedlock Gate Locks:

The modern equivalent to using Chain & Padlocks to Secure your Gate, these new Zedlocks are very Secure, operate with a single key and are ideal for most types of gates especially:

  • Farm Galvanised Steel Gates
  • Wooden 5-Bar Gates

These are much Stronger & more Secure than a Chain & Padlock !!

All three models are the same apart from the length of the locking bar, the longest bar is mostly used with wooden gates.

For applications where the gate is closing onto the gate post (as apposed to inside) there is a Security Latch Assembly available (007-0830).

Key Features:

  • High Quality Union Lock Mechanism (very reliable)
  • Stainless Steel Sliding Latching Bolt (cannot be cut using bolt cutters)
  • Keyed Alike Option (for multiple gate applications)
  • No Problems in Freezing Conditions
  • Easy To Fit (supplied with hole cutter on steel gate models
  • Spare Keys can be cut at most Lock Smiths
  • UK Made

These Locks are extremely Well Made, Reliable & Strong !! 

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 items